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She gets me and has great advice.I feel like when ever we talk I've known her all my life.Instead of the boring hey how are you crap we can chat about anything for hours on I hope we can be friends forever she is definitely kewl people.
Desmond is the guy version of me we are one in the same.We talk about girl things though he finds it uncomfortable.That's what friends do ,right. He has some characteristics that i would love to express myself .Nobody's perfect, but Pete falls close.He has a spunky,ecstatic personality that one talk with him you'll be talking like bffs.So don't be shy give him a shout, he doesn't bite.Thanks for being my friend for a little more than a year now. All your messages brighten my day.xoxo
I am very random and am a very enjoyable person. I like to hear about people's lives I am a tad bit stalkerish. My life is stressful but I keep my anger out of stuff it has nothing to do with. Give me a chance to prove I am a person who you can trust, and want to be a friend to.
Steven is one of my best friends and he has helped with with a lot of things.He is cool and he is a very stylish person.We may not talk much but from the chats we've had he is a decent person.xoxo Our friendship means everything to me .Whenever you need me let me know I'll come running.
We are like two peas in a pod.We have our secrets.
Ethan is really great we talk on and on.I strayed out of touch but we chat through messages still.He knows just what to say.Truly he is a great friend who takes pride in caring about my feeling and listen with judgment.I am glad we have know each other for a little over a year.xoxo
Jamie ah hello i text him but he doesn't answer rawr only when he wants too he is weird but hes funny haha loser jk seriously jk don't shoot me have skittles for your problems jk again ahh you know i dont like like i dont think your cute and i dont care about you because i love you i think your hot and i am obsessed with you haha that's my little secret.I think his name changed and I have no clue to what. Can anyone who knew him help?
iH0RR0R This dude shows qualities that I wish i had myself.xoxo
I met this kid a couple days of ago. We had so many things in common it was scary. We are on opposite ends of the world but he is still one of my bffs. He is the nicest person I think i could find on earth. For some reason i pictured our conversation awkward but we clicked and it was the start to an everlasting friendship. He keeps me smiley. Not once was I unentertained. Lol, we can have fun together and thats what I look forward to. See you soon Charlie.
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About me stuff here =]
The full name is Tiffani Eileen Cheehy. My middle name is descended from my mothers and I am proud of it.I was placed onto Earth on March 12, 1995. Do the math. I Live In Illinois, USA. Interesting place though I am home-bound mostly. I love school because knowledge is powerful. My hobbies include reading, writing, Computer, TV, video games mostly. I am on almost everyday the computer is my life. :D I go on Facebook alot. Yay Mafia Wars and Farmville. My friends are so supportive and understanding. Life would be harder /o you guys that's for sure. I act like a psycho sometimes ( It is just me ). I like all things kiddie, I hate the idea of growing old, but I can be very serious. My mood is very random as it changes frequently. My favorite Tv shows are Scooby Doo, Bratz, Skins, Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and etc. Oh and I talk a lot, too much sometimes. Anything else just ask. "
1 night in heaven with the amazing outcomes. GIRLS ONLY, SUPER" "
1 night in heaven with the amazing outcomes. GIRLS ONLY, SUPER LONG DESCRPTIONS!
Devin: Your brother's enemy
Devin: Your brother's enemy
Gawd you hated this but you had no choice and finally picked a number out. Well your brother was sleeping over my house since he and my brother were really good friends, and Devin was there (his enemy) so he wanted to kick his ass for stealing his girlfriend. You look at the number and said ''number 2?'' I grinned and it pissed you off cuz I knew something that you didn't. You found out why because Devin stood up. Oh gawd him?! SHIT he's Jason's enemy (your brother's name) . Why would he do this? Your brother wad drinking some soda and spit it out because it was Devin. He was known as a lady magnet according to your brother and he was like ''NO! You're not going to be with my sister! FUCK it man!'' but then Devin laughs and says ''relax man, I'm not going to do anything to her.... that she wont like. You seriously need a chill pill.'' *laughs* He gets up and walks over to you with a nod and that sexy smile. ''Hey ___________, you ready to have some fun?'' and chuckles which made you grinned. ''Lay one hand on her and your dead.'' your brother threatens. You just smiled and figured it was alright to toy with your brother's mind and took Devin by the collar and whispered ''let's go sexy'' in your seductive voice and dragged him out. You knew he was a player but you only did this to piss off your brother and ex. While walking down the steps, he noticed something that was hanging off your shirt and picks it off. Your turned around and he says ''there was something on you.'' and shows you the piece of hair that was there and drops it. You knew he only wanted your body because he's been with so many girls so you didn't want to show any interest in him. You didn't say anything to him when you got to his car. From there he comes up behind you and was about to do his cute act (kiss you and leave you wanting for more but you stopped him. ''I know what you're going to do. Kiss me, and then want me to beg for more. Then have sex with me and then want nothing more of me. Don't even try Devin. I'm not dumb like all the other girls. Just give me a ride home or I'll walk.'' He didn't say anything because he was too stunned so he just nods and opens the door for you and takes you home. When he pulls you up at your drive way you figured hey, why not take the next step and ask him to stick around, after all, he is hot and your brother hates him you figured. ''You wanna come in, my brother wont be home till tomorrow, he's staying at Malisa's tonight (my house). ''Sure, thanks.'' and you two walked to your house and up to your room. He was checking you out as you walked up the stairs since you wearing a skirt but you didn't seem to notice or hear anything. As he sits on your bed, he then asks ''has your brother said anything about me to you?'' but you went to your walk in closet changing with the door cracked open a bit. ''No not much, other than to stay away from you because you only wanted to get with every girl, stuff like that.'' He laughs a bit ''what makes him say that?'' You walked out in your silky thigh length blue sleeping dress from Victoria Secrets with made his jaws drop. ''Oh I don't know, something about his girlfriend or whatever; I don't pay attention to his love life.'' There was a balcony in your room with the view of the ocean/beach. You walked over and spread your hands over the edge and brought them together. Devin was amazed at how incredibly sexy and beautiful you looked so he walks over to you and stood behind you as your turned around. ''Your brother is suborned like that, his girlfriend came to me first, I pushed her away but she flung her body on me. I couldn't do anything because your brother walked in. I'm sorry I didn't give you the right impression. I only do what girls want me to do, and if you want me to leave, I will.'' As he turns around, you turn him back and brought him closer to you. You licked your lips a bit which was a big turn on for him. He bit his lips and says ''I'm sorry, I've never felt this way before'' ha you figured ''aren't you more experienced though? Fuck me if I'm wrong.'' ''I am, not going to lie about that, it's just... well.. your very different. You don't throw yourself at a guy like all the other girls I was with. You wait for them to come to you, like I am right now.'' He leans in for a kiss and you felt your heart racing instantly and the heat rising as well. His hands intertwine with yours, he then picks you up from your thighs and takes you over to your bed and lays you down gently as you pulled his shirt off. When you saw his body, omb (omb= oh my buddah rofl) his body was like a freakin gawd. He smiles as you run your finger tips over the lining of his abbs and up his chest. ''I know you don't want to go all the way so don't worry about me pressuring you alright.'' You smiled as you two made out for the time being and pulling each others clothes off. You woke up to the front door slamming shut and so does Devin. You and him both knew it was your brother so Devin quickly gets his pants and shirts and dresses at your balcony. You both gave each other a kiss as you closed the door. You ran over to your bed and pretend to be sleeping. You could hear Devin land towards the ground followed by your brother opening your door. You woke up and brushed your teeth in your bathroom that's in your room. You heard a tap at the balcony door and saw it was Devin. ''What are you doing here?'' ''I missed you.'' ''Well your going to get me in trouble you dork.'' as you kissed him. ''Meet me down at the beach?'' You smiled and got on your way to getting ready. You went out the door and walked down the beach and found him sitting in the sand looking out to the ocean. As you came towards him, he looked at the sand and smiles. You looked and saw written in the sand ''Will you be my girlfriend?'' with hearts all around it. You then threw yourself at him and sealed it with a kiss. It's been 2 years since that day and your now 18. As usual, you two met up at the park but then heard someone coming up to you two. It was your brother He punches Devin in the jaw as Devin shoves him off. ''STOP IT JASON!'' You yelled ''HOW COULD YOU DO MY SISTER THIS WAY? HUH?! YOU JACKASS!'' You pushed your brother off and yelled back ''WHAT THE HELL! I'M WITH DEVIN! HE'S MY BOYFRIEND OF 2 YEARS YOU FAGGOT! GET OFF OF HIM!'' He looks at you in the face not knowing what to say. He looks at Devin who just spat blood from the punch who just looked back at your brother. ''You two need to clear your shit up now because I'm tired of hiding it from you! I love him, and if you have a problem with that, then FUCKING DEAL WITH IT JASON JAMES __________ (your last name)!'' and stormed off while you left them star struck. 4 hours had passed and then you hear your brother and Devin talking and walking towards you where you sat in the sad. ''Me and Devin cleared things up. I just want you to be happy, and if it means being with Devin, then I can't stop you.'' You got up and kissed/hugged Devin. ''And yeah, hold off on that, still kinda weird for me.'' with a little laugh which made you giggle. Later on you two got marred when you two were in college and had 3 wonderful and loving kids. THE END! RATE THE QUIZ PLEASE! Wah that was so long.... >.<

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1 night in heaven with the amazing outcomes. GIRLS ONLY, SUPER LONG DESCRPTIONS!
Drew: Your enemy or not to be enemy
Drew: Your enemy or not to be enemy
You hated this, but you still had to choose a number. Digging your hand through the hat, it took you forever to finally pick one. ''Pick one or I'll pick one for you'' I said impatiently and you quickly took one out. -sighs- ''number 3...?'' Everyone smiled ''aww shit your going to hate me'' I whispered to you ''Why?'' and before you know it, Drew; that guy you hated since the 4th grade stood up. He just walked passed you and you gave me your devil eyes and then the two of you walked down to his car in silence. You got to his house, still no talking, and went through the kitchen. With you leading the way, since you've been there many times cuz your parents are best friends with his, you could of sworn you heard a whimper from behind you. You two were passing through the kitchen you turned around and saw a tear streaming down his face. ''What's wrong? Are you ok?'' you asked concerned. ''Why would you care? There's nothing wrong with me.'' ''You're lying, I know you too well.'' ''NO! I'M NOT LYING! GET OVER YOURSELF ALREADY!'' he said aggravated. This ticked you off and you yelled back ''What's your problem?! I never did anything wrong to you and here you are yelling at me!'' He looks away and then slams his hand on the kitchen counter where a bowl was. The bowl broke into pieces and there was a big gash in his hand. Forcefully before he could say anything, you took his hand to the sink and washed it off and got a first aide kit from the top of his fridge. While you were cleaning his wounds with peroxide and dabbed the blood surrounding it, he just stared at your eyes. you look up at him once but went back doing what you were doing. Once you finished wrapping the elastic wrap around his hand, you were about to put away the supplies until he took hold of your wrist. You looked back into his eyes and saw, for the first time, not anger but a little sense of caring in them. ''Thank you...._________'' and releases your hand. You gave back a weak smile and put the first aid kit away. ''Why do you hate me so much Drew? Did I ever do something that offended you?'' you asked with your back turned to him. ''No... you did nothing wrong...'' ''But why do every time I see you, we argue and you never even acknowledge that I'm even there?'' You said with your back still facing him. '' Because...because I can't have the one person I have always loved since I first laid eyes on her!'' You were stunned and turned around to face him; tears streaming down his face as he comes closer to you. ''All this time, since the 4th grade I moved into town, I've always liked you, always have, and I guess you can say always will. I tried to get over you but... every time I saw you... I fell... harder and deeper for you.'' This was truly a side you've never seen from him and to be honest, even though he was mean, you had always thought he was hot. ''Why didn't you tell me this before?'' still looking into his eyes and grabbed the tissue behind him and wiped his tears away. I was... afraid that you would reject me. The only way I can escape how I feel is through anger.'' He then takes the hand that was wiping his tears and held it, ''I've been waiting all my life for a moment like this with you. I'm truly am sorry if I ever made you cry ________'' ''I wont forgive you until you do this one last thing for me.'' ''Anything. I'm all yours.'' you then smiled and said ''show me just how much you really love me.'' with a wink. ''But how-- why would you--'' ''I've liked you too, but you were always mean to me. Now that we're here and have this night together, show me exactly how much you really want me, Andrew.'' (his real name) You licked your lips and got closer to him, that's where he had this devilish smile and pushes you up against the fridge and started kissing you. Soon things started to heat up and he lifts you up by your thighs and carries you up to the bedroom where you two tore and ripped each others clothes off and laid in bed together. Meanwhile, me and the guys were back at my place watching all the action through the hidden camera that was in Drew's room. But when we saw what was happening, me, Steven, Aiden and your brother all spat our drinks out as we saw the action going. ''Damn... that girls got skills, how the hell did they hook up so fast?!'' I said. Aiden just stares at the tv screen and says ''I don't know, but she has a killer body.'' I slapped him across the face and he was like ''WHAT?! I'm a guy what do you expect me to say *coughs* EWWWWWWIE that's nasty?!'' he said in a high pitch girly voice which cracked me up. But as the heat was rising in the room, Drew got up and went to the camera ''you guys can just suck it!'' and brings the camera closer to the bed but then covers it with his shirt. ''OHHHHH! THAT BASTARD!'' we all yelled back at the house. You two ended up making love, not have sex, but made love and became boyfriend and girlfriend that next morning, when you found a ring on your finger. Eventually you two got married at 22, when you two finished college, and then had 2 adorable kids. THE END! OH OH RATE THE QUIZ :D

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1 night in heaven with the amazing outcomes. GIRLS ONLY, SUPER LONG DESCRPTIONS!
Chris: The sweet and nurturing one
Chris: The sweet and nurturing one
Why do I always do this every summer? Because they call me the love docta haha! And you knew that after tonight that you were going to be with someone. ''Choose wisely... hehe'' ''I hate you Malisa you know that right?'' ''Oh yeah, I love you too, now pick out a number dear.'' You hated this, but hey you finally picked out a number and called out sweetly ''number 4?'' I smiled because you had chosen Chris. He moved here about a couple years ago but is my closest guy friend because he was such a sweetheart. You were a little disappointed because you wanted to be with Steven or Devin, but hey I said have fun so you went with it, plus you weren't that mean. You two talked down the stairs and took the back way since he only lived 4 houses down (the back is a sandy shore/ocean view). It was a cloudless night and the sky was filled with stars. You two were walking, and since it was the beach, you took off your shoes. You stepped on a shell which cut your foot on your way there. ''Are you ok _________?'' you looked at your foot and there was a long cut on it ''yeah, just stings a lot.'' ''you don't look too good'' ''no I'm fine really.'' But he still picks you up, princess style and walks you to his house. You held onto his neck sine he smells amazing, and you felt safer closer to him. Once inside the house, he sits you down on the kitchen counter and walks over to the closet to get the first aid kit. He had such a charming smile and talks to you in a calming tone and reassures you that you'll be ok while he cleans your wounds. You two got to know each other and talked about your passions. ''I love playing the piano, guitar, and I do some photography as well.'' he says. ''Is that why you have so many pictures?'' ''Part of it, but I actually move a lot, and we got those when we were on the road. Reminds me of each place I went and friends I made there.'' Your legs were apart a little bit, but then he spreads them even farther so he could come closer to your body and leans into you. ''Has anyone ever told you that you're really beautiful?'' you just smiled and asked ''what makes you think that?'' He then replies with this. ''You like to take walks down the shoreline. I noticed this because I like to practice my photography with nature. I would practice my photography on you, but never actually took one picture because you had me so mesmerize. You are just naturally beautiful, through my eyes and through the camera lens too.'' At this point, you two were just 2 finger widths away from each others lips. Looking into your eyes and then you lips, he leans in with a soft, lingering kiss. From there he picks you up gently and carries you up to his room. His bed was so soft and he was such a gentleman being gentle with you. He then gets up and gets the camera to you. ''any last words for them to hear love?'' Sorry I didn't mention that to you, but we had a hidden camera in every guys room so we, those of us who didn't get picked to watch in with all the action. You smiled and said, ''let them watch... for now'' *wink wink* As things got hot, you two started to get aggressive and pulled each others clothes off. You whispered to him ''go down on me and I'll cover the camera and moan'' and he was such a good actor. He kissed your lips and slides his hand under your skirt and goes down your body, kissing every inch of your body going down. You then took his shirt and covered the camera, he smiled as you started to fake moan. WELL he got excited as well so he literally went down on you. Eventually you two had gone all the way; after all he can be a bad boy at times. Laying in his white bed/blanket/pillow, everything was comfy and serene. You woke up and found his arms around you, holding you against his body. He then wakes up at the same moment and brings you closer and whispers in your ear ''I love you princess...'' Oh it was just too good to be true so you turned around and found him staring at you. ''Will you be my princess... now and for all eternity love?'' Awww you teared up and sealed it with a kiss. You then fell asleep in his arms, but then woke up to him playing to his piano. It was such a beautiful song which he composed himself. ''This song is for you.'' And then starts to sing and play the piano. Aww you teared up so bad and he wipes your tears. ''You've never had anyone do this to you huh?'' and you shook your head yes. He then says ''You should be treated like the princess you really ear.'' And that's when your flung your body against his and whisper ''You really are my prince charming... here to take me away... '' (-Sighs- so romantic isn't it?) Although you two were just becoming juniors the upcoming year and didn't get to know each other till now, it seemed like he was the perfect guy for you and that you can see your whole life with him. He was such an amazing boyfriend, never asking anything from but for you to follow your dreams and to love him. You two were voted couple of the year in the yearbook your senior year. After that you two pursued to continue your education and got accepted into the same college. He then proposed to you your 3rd year of college, because he didn't want you to have a child while being in school. So the wedding didn't take place till you graduated that next year with him. You and him thus had 3 beautiful and talented kids who then asked, when they were the same age when you two first met, and asked how you two met and how your love life. You teared up and had a sit down conversation about how you two had met. And your stories had lived on through your kids and the generations to come. -Sighs- that's so romantic hehe OH AND PWEASE DON'T FORGET TO RATEY BUDDY :D

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1 night in heaven with the amazing outcomes. GIRLS ONLY, SUPER LONG DESCRPTIONS!
Steven: Your old crush with a little twist?!?! o.O
Steven: Your old crush with a little twist?!?! o.O
So you picked out a number and you know this is going to be good because every guy in the room was hot/cute and you got the first pick. ''number 5?'' Ohh shiet this was your crush in freshman year Steven. Now that you two were up coming juniors, he's gotten hotter the past year, but hey you said you've gotten over him... right...? He stood up and shines that amazing smile and ask ''________ is that really you?! Wow you look amazing, it's been a while since we've hung out.'' And that's where you two kicked things off and talked the whole way to his house. After all, he is an aquatense of yours. So you two just chilled at his house at first and talked like old friends. Then got into each others love life. ''So, it's been a while sive we've actually talked like this, how's your love life hun?'' you asked. ''Well it's gotten much better now, but I'm still a little depressed.'' ''Oh? And why is that?'' ''Because I can't have the one girl I love.'' You wondered who this girl was because she had to be really dumb to not feel the same way. ''And who might this girl be.?'' He turns around and holds your hand in front of your chest. ''________, I've always liked you for a while, you may not feel the same way, but I've liked you since we were in 8th grade together, even though we never had classes together at the time. And now that I have this night with you, I want to show you exactly how much I really love and care about you, to show that I still and, I guess you can say will always love you.'' He then puts your hand on his heart ''Do you feel it racing? It's because I'm with you, my love.''AWWWWW you started to tear up and looked away. ''Babe, is something wrong? Did I say something that upset you?'' Taking one finger bringing it to your chin to face him. ''No it's not that, it's just... I've liked you for so long, but I never thought I'd have this moment with you...'' =') His eyes started to well up and he leans into you for a very soft and passion filled kiss. He then has his finger tips trailing down your back, down to your waist, and down to your thighs and picks you up and takes you up to his room. You two didn't go too far because the both of you didn't want to rush things so from there, you two stayed up all night talking to each other, kissing, and cuddling till sunrise. It's been nearly 4 months since that night and your mom says she's dating a guy and that he has a son. ''He's going to take us out to dinner tonight and introduce us to his son, while he introduces his son to you. Now I want you to dress up and act like a lady alright?'' You rolled your eyes and went upstairs to get dressed. You wore a white faded light blue jeans skirt that was above knee length a little bit, navy blue long sleeve deep v neck shirt with a gray tank top under, with a blue, gray, and white scarf since it was October and finished it off with some nice pair of heels. You and your mom drove to the restaurant and you saw Steven and his dad there. Then all of a sudden your mom and his dad hugged and kissed! You and Steven were so star struck, that you two didn't know what to do. For the occasion, Steven wore some jeans, white under shirt, white and gray button up shirt with a light jacket on the outside and some new shoes he had gotten. During the dinner, you two were texting each other but acted like good sons and daughters in front of your parents. ''OMG babe what are we ganna do?! We're going to be step siblings!'' you texted desperately. ''If they got together, we can be together more often.'' ''You think they'll find out about us?'' you asked. ''Not unless we keep each others dirty little secret ;)'' And just then your parents looked away, he nods and winks at you. You gave him an air kiss and smile back which made him raise his eye brows. LOL Now that a year and a half has passed, your parents had gotten married, and they were going on their honeymoon during your springbreak during your senior year. One night you and Steven spent the night in your room and fell asleep. Your parents came home a day early and walked into your room. You were laying there with Steven's arms around you asleep. ''_________?! Steven?!'' Your parents called out to you two. You two woke up and got off of each other and you yelled ''WHAT THE HELL STEVEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?!'' ''___________, I think it's time that we tell about us because it's been a while.'' ''Tell us about what? that you two were sleeping with each other for nearly a year and a half and that you could be pregnant ___________?!'' ''No mom we...'' and that's when you two explain what had happened since the beginning and your parents were speechless. ''So what are you going to do mom? You can't take me away from him, because you and I both know that I will go after him and he is your step son.'' You asked your mom. ''Well, you two did happen to be together before we did so I guess we can't do anything to you. Plus you'll be out of the hosue for college soon...'' your mom said. ''I can't say I don't approve of the guy your dating since it's your step brother and my son, so I can't stop you there...'' You two smiled and hugged each other and kissed. ''Just don't do that in front of us, still kind of weird for me to comprehend that and that you two will be kissing like that.'' Both of you blushed and smiled. Turns out you two got accepted into the same college and stayed at your friends house. Her mom had bought a 3 bedroom house and you were sharing the house with 2 of your other friends with you boyfriend/girlfriends. Steven proposed to you during your 2nd year of college and had a choild with you during your last year of college. You both graduated and had very successful careers and had a perfect life ahead of you. With 3 kids, your parents were so happy to have grandchildren and were proud of you two to have told the truth and made right choices in your lives. THE END!!! HEY HEY HEY! RATE THE QUIZ TOO PWEASE.... THANKIES BUDDY!

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5 hours in emo heaven
Jake (the sensitive)
Jake (the sensitive)
You pull out a black and white tie. A really hot boy from your English class stands up. You don't really know him because he is very quiet & keeps to himself. He is already in the closet when you get there & you say hello my name is (_____) You don't hear an answer just miffled cries. Are you crying you say? He doesn't answer. You walk over to him & say it's ok. No its not he responds. Tell me what's wrong you say, you can trust me. Well, he begins, my girlfriend just dumped me the night before I was going to purpose. Wow is all you can say. You let him cry on your shoulder the whole time. When Sara comes & tells you two time's up Jake says (_______) can we go somewhere private to talk? Sure you respond. He takes you to the beach. You guys walk down to the lighthouse and he says (______) I want you to be mine. Will you? Of course you manage to say. You two then lay down on the sand. You watch the moon rise higher in the sky. It looked so beautiful. You loved this night you thought. You two then make out under the stars. Jake gives you his sweatshirt and he says we better get home. My mom is gonna kill me. He jumps up and then helps you up. He brushes the sand off you and him. You take his hand and start the long journey home. Lets take the long way you say. So you do. He asks shall we take you home? Umm, you say, I think it's better if we go to your house. My parents are most likely sleeping. I can explain everything in the morning. Ok he says. Are you sure your parents won't mind you both say at the same time. I don't have to tell them you say. Jake says, my parents aren't home anyways. You two walk into the house, get a quick snack, and then go up to his room. You guys watch Spongebob for about an hour. Then you fall asleep on his chest while listening to him sing you a lullaby. You wake up the next morning and Jake is still sleeping. You just lay there and appreciate the moment. He soon wakes up and gives you a kiss on the forehead. You go to your house and your mom is pissed. She grounds you and takes away your cellphone. You know that if your dad gets home, he will beat the crap out of you. When Jake doesn't hear from you, he goes to your house and throws rocks at your window. He says come run away with me. You pack your bag and move to (____). You grow old together and end up having twins and becoming grandparents! Awww!

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5 hours in emo heaven
Josh (the surprising)
Josh (the surprising)
You pull out a camera & see a hot emo dude stand up & lead you to the closet. Once inside, he says hey, my name is Josh. I'm (____) you respond. He scoots closer to you then starts kissing you. You kiss back not caring that you barely know him. He then moves his hands around your back & starts to undo your bra. You let him. You then take off your clothes & so does he. The whole time he was ''inside'' of you, you were thinking wow, he is the one! I really met him. Later, I come & knock on the door saying time's up. You both put your clothes back on & while you walk out, you try to hold his hand, thinking he was going to ask you to be his. He quickly pulls away from your touch. You blush and go & sit on the couch. You see him go over to his friends. See, you heard him say, I told you I could her undressed. You then see his buddy hand him over a 20. You turn red with both anger & embarresment.You get so upset that you run out of the house crying. You run and run until you can't run anymore. You find a nearby bench and sit on it crying. I thought he was the one, you kept mummering, stupid me. You hear footsteps & have a good guess who it is. Go away Josh, you scream. No, he answered. I really do care about you, (____). Sure you do, you reply, how do I know this isn't another one of your bets. Becau.... but before he could finish, you ran away. The next day you have a message on your phone from Sara. It read: (_____) What did you do to poor Josh? You drive over to Sara's house & ask her what's going on. She said, the police came to my house today. Apparently, they found him dead on his bedroom floor early this morning. He had a knife in his hand & well you know the rest.... Oh My Gosh!!!!! you respond.You then run over to Josh's house & talk to his parents. They said you could go in his room and take whatever you wanted to remember him. So you do. When you get there, you find a note stuck under his pillow. It read:Dear (______),I know what I did to you was wrong, I really do. I came to apoligize the other night not make another bet. But I could see I hurt you too much & you wouldn't be able to believe me ever again. Before you were going to walk away, I was gonna say Because I love you. I never meant to hurt you & I was going to save that 20 to help pay for the engagment ring I was going to give you but you ran away. Maybe one day we'll meet in heaven but for now goodbye. I couldn't live with myself knowing I'd hurt you that bad.Love JoshIn the bottom of the envelope was the 20 dollar bill.That night you went home & took a knife and killed yourself. No body ever knew why you killed yourself or why Josh killed himself but all they know is you two are together in peace now.

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3hrs in Emo Heaven (Not like any other)
Austin and Tyler (Hotties)
Austin and Tyler (Hotties)
you pull out two necklaces that fit together and say best friends two HOTT guys stand up and grab one of you arms you think the one with darker hair is cuter so you flirt with him in the clsoet you find out his name is tyler and he kisses you and pulls back immediatly and says ''I'm sorry ____ i just, it's just you look so beautiful'' meanwhile austins sitting in the corner sulking. you say ''hang on tyler'' you walk up to austin and kiss him ever so tenderly on the lips and he says ''wooooooooooooowwwwww'' you blush and say ''so what can i do with both of you so neither of you feel left out?'' tyler and austin exchange smiles and say ''we could both kiss you?'' you nod even though you'd rather kiss tyler. so tyler starts kissing your lips (to your releif) and austin starts to kiss your neck. you think wow tyler is an amzing kisser while you making out with him you take your phone number out of your pocket and slip in into his back pocket. he thinks you were just touching his butt so he stops and looks at you wide eyed but with a smile and askes '' whick one do you think is a better kisser?'' you start to think but austin says ''she only kissed me once i think we hould switch'' tyler sighs but he agrees adn he starts to kiss your neck and austin starts to kiss you and you think wow tylers a way better kisser. anyway i yell ''TIMEZ UP KIDDIES COME OUT'' so austin says '' wait'' before tyler and i walk out the closet and says ''you never aanswered the question which one of us is a better kisser? we wont get mad'' i looked at tyler then at austin ''Well not to burst your bubble austin but tyler is a totally amazing kiss-'' i scream ''I SAID GET OUT YOU HAD THREE HOURS ISNT THAT ENOUGH????'' you guys laugh and walk out you sit down in the middle of them and lean over to tyler and say ''check your pocket'' he checks his back pocket and finds the little folded up piece of paper adn unfolds it and turns to you adn smiles, folds it back up and puts it back in his pocket. he whispers in your ear ''i'll call you tonight'' you smile and say ''good or else i would have been mad'' you start walking home and he drives by with austin adn rolls down the window but b4 he says anything he utters something to asutin and you see austin grumble and climb in the back. then tyler says ''_______ would you like a ride?'' you smile nod and get in ''Thanks'' you say. ''No problem now i know where you live too'' he drops you off and then walks you to your door and says ''well i have to return the favor'' before you can aske what that is he kisses you and slips something in your back pocket except then your dad comes out and says ''If that boys not gone in three seconds im going to get my gun!!!!!!!!!!!'' tyler looked scared so you said ''bye i'll see you at school'' and kiss him on the lips. just like he promised he called your cell number and you guys talked for an hour and when he hung up yuo guys were a couple and three yrs later he takes you to Disney world at the castle and waits until the fireworks go off adn then proposes. and of course you say yes (i mean who could turn down something that sweet) you live happily ever after with a lil boy named eric.

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3hrs in Emo Heaven (Not like any other)
Matt (ur (HOTT) enemy)
Matt (ur (HOTT) enemy)
you pull out a purple crayon and automatically put it back. but not before Matt saw it he stands up and says ''If you her any screaming i'm being tortoured!!!'' he walks in the closet and i have to have Jake, Blake and Teddy help me shove you in the closet. After we pushed you in you fell and lannded on top of matt. ''HEY!'' he screamed. ''WHAT?'' you roared i mean it wasnt ur fault. ''WILL YOU GET OFF ME?'' he screamed just as loud as you had and you heard laughter coming from outside the closet and you stood up pulled him up, smacked him and went to go sit in the corner farthest away from him. He walks over to you and sits down. ''Why did you smack me?'' he asked his face still suprised. ''BECAUSE YOU ARE A JERK AND IVE WANTED TO DO IT FOR A LONG TIME AND YOU MAKE FUN OF ME AND YOU MAKE JOKES LIKE THAT AND...AND...AND...AND YOU STOLE MY PURPLE CRAYON IN KINDERGARTEN'' he started laughing after you said that and you hit his arm (fairly hard i might add) and he said ''OWWW, hey i was just laughing bcz you brought up the crayon we're sophmores now and that was in kindergarten...but did you notice i still have the crayon'' he said serious now. you opened your mouth and then closed it agiain and said ''Why DO you still have it?'' he looked at you like he was about to tell you his most precious secret ''Because it reminds me of that day when i stole your crayon i thought it was flirting adn you'd like me as much as i you'' your mouth dropped and you said ''You like me?'' he nodded and blushed and you said ''Let's ditch this game and go take a walk'' he nods you too walk out of the closet (i forgot to lock it) and get your stuff and leave. you walk to the park and he asks ''I told you how i feel how do you really feel?'' you faked a mad look and said ''Oh i hate you'' he looks sad and says ''Really?'' you shake your head and hug him tightly he says ''______ will you go out with me?'' you think about it and say ''Well i guess i have to do SOMETHING to get out of community service'' he smiles and says ''AHH so im dating a criminal'' you nod and say ''I broke my promise to myself that i wouldnt like you again after you stole my crayon so now i must face the consequences'' you kiss him lightly on the lips and you guys get married 2yrs later and have 3 kids 2 girls and a boy named lilly, kayla and jacob

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3hrs in Emo Heaven (Not like any other)
Jake(my bro)
Jake(my bro)
you pull out a pair of handcuffs and say ''Uh oh IM in trouble'' and start laughing. my bro stands up and takes his handcuffs and puts them on you once you get in the closet. before you do anything i walk in and say ''BE careful _____ he's an evil lil boy'' he glares at me and says ''KATY GET OUT'' he throws a pillow at me but it hit the door after i ran out. hehe im too fast. anyway you say ''Jake these are uncomfortable will you please take them off?'' he looks at you and says ''not until you kiss me'' you kean in and give him a peck on the cheek and he says ''seriously THAT was pathetic i meant some lip action'' smiling you kiss him on the lips you start to make out and you pull on his hair and he moans you laugh and say ''i found your weakness ha!'' he stops kissing you and says ''Well whats your weakness i think it should be fair for me to know'' you look at him and say ''guess'' he groans and says ''you ears?'' you shake your head no ''nose?'' you reply no again and he says ''you neck?'' slyly you smile and say ''took ya long enough'' he starts kissing your neck and you moan and he smiles in satisfaction. ''_____ will you go out with me?'' you nod and you are still dating to this day

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Emo Sweet 16 Party [long & Deatiled] GIRLS & GAYS ONlY!!!9[not finished:(]
Andrew Your best friend
Andrew Your best friend
you me & Andrew have been best friends for as long as anyone can remember. thats until he started dating this girl named Erica. she didnt like us so he just semmed to drift farther away. he still talked to us in class and waved in the hall but that was just about it. so we planed to invite him to my party and Erica. so he could see how she treated us when he wasnt around. we were all rocking at mine and my twin brothers party when he noticed our arents were gone he decided on the game of 1 hour in heaven. he pulled off his black hat nd all the guys threw a item in. Since all the guys ut the items in they picked who went first. and they voted on you!! Atticus Shoved his hat in your face and said ''pick so we can get some already'' you gave him a discusted look and reached into the hat. you felt around and puled out a red bracelet. you smiled and looked at Andrew and said '' hey Annydrew i got you!!'' he smiled and got u from his seat beside Erica while you were walking in the bedrooom you heared him say ''dont worry babe she means nothing to me'' his words piereced through your heart and tears began to fall. you slumed in the corner with your hood tossed over your head. Seconds later Andrew walked in and closed the door. _____? where are you he asked looking around in the dark. you didnt ansewer. ______ common your scaring me? he pleaded you still didnt answer. you just cried harder. you reaced into your pocet and pulled out a razor. you pulled up your slev and cut into your skin. but not enof to kill you. He reaced up to turn th light on and you quickly pulled down your sleve. but he saw it. your bood was mixed with tears on the floor. He ran over to you and yellled _____ what are you doing i thought you stoped!! you just hid your face and mumbled ''nothing.....i mean nothing at all to you'' a shocked expression apeared on his face as he realized you heared him say that ._____..... he wispered. I've loved you for as long as i've known you and i mean absolultly nothing to you?!?!?! you looked up at him your face smuged with eyeliner and tears. cut him off save it Andrew! if i dont mean anything you wont mind if im dead!! with that you stormed out of the room and the house. Andrew walked out of the room to hear Erica yelling ''HAHA YOU UGLY BITCH NOBODY LIKES YOU GO KILL YOUR SELF!!!!'' Andrew looked at her and yelled you know what you stupid bitch fuck you im going after ______ ITS OVER!!!!!! her jaw droped and he ran after you. what you said in the room echoing through his head!! He looked and saw you running past an alley and get pulled into it. you looked up and saw a ugly drunk man with a knife in his hand cleching onto your arm. you tried to pull away but he was to strong. he slamed you against the building wall and banged your head into it causing blood to pour into your face and he pressed the knife against your throut and started to undo your pants. you were crying and wishing someone would save you. you were sliping into unconciousness when you felt the man being torn off of you. you fell limp to the ground and a few seconds later you saw Andrew picking you up and he started to run to the hospital with you in his arms. you could hear him saying ______ dont go i love you to please!!! over and over as you sliped into the darkness. he ran into the hospital screaming for help and the nurses rushed you into the room. not allowing him to go in. he stood outside the door waiting. after about an hour the nurses let him go inside. he tiptoed inside afraid hed scare you. he sat beside your bed with his head rested on your stomach. tears fell out of his eyes as he sang cold by cross fade. you could her him ''i never meant to be so cold for you im sorry about all the lies, maybe in a different light you could see me stand on my own again cause now i caint see-he you are the antidote that gets me by something strong like a drug that gets me hiiiahhgg. you opened your eyes to see his face was burried in your stomach his blond hair was messy and put your hand on his head and he looked up at you. a huge smile spread across his face seeing you were ok. ''________ im so sorry, you mean everything to me i love you.'' you smiled and said its ok Andrew i love you to. he knelt down and kissed you. and asked _____ will you be mine forever? of corse you said yes! after you were better you walked home with Andrew holding your hand. you got to your door to see nobosy was home. with a smile you pulled him inside and up to your room. he got the ideah and closed and locked the door. he turned around and imediatly started to kiss you. you wraped your arms around his neck and intangled your hands in his hair. he put his arms around you and his hands rested on your butt. he locked his hands hands under your butt and picked you up without breaking the kiss he carried you to your bed and you both crashed onto it. him ontop of you. he began to kiss down your neck until he got to your shirt. he riped it off and stared at your boobs hid under your black bra. he ran his finger tips along your clevage. you moaned ohhhh Andrew. he glanged up at you and raised you up a bit to un hook your bra. he pulled ot off. without taking his eyes off your chest he droped your bra to the floor. he kissd from your colar bone to the top of your boobs. he began to bite lick and suck on them leaving little hickies. he kissed down your stomach and pulled off your pants . he sat on top of you after taking off his shirt and pants. you could feel the bulge in his boxers pushing against your thigh. are you sure about this _______, he asked as he pulled a condom out of his pants pocket. ''mhmn'' you said. with that he pulled off his boxers and your underwear. He pushed his 10 in dick half way into you slowly making sure he wasnt hurting you. you squelaed a little but after he thrust in and out a few times it began to feel good. and you began to moan, ohhhhuhhhohhhh Andrew, Harder!!! he was thrusting harder and faster wih each moan. thats until you started to bleed you got worried and he could tell it and he wispered in your ear ''shhh baby girl it's ok i just poped your cherry, i took your virginity'' you calmed down a bit and let him continue. after a while he colapsed beside you and pulled you into his arms. after a year you graduated high school and he asked you to marry him. you guys had 3 kids and lived hapilly ever after

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Emo Sweet 16 Party [long & Deatiled] GIRLS & GAYS ONlY!!!9[not finished:(]
Ashen your ex
Ashen your ex
you had been dumped 2 weeks ago by your boyfriend of two years, Ashen. before you broke up he got you pregnant. you never got to tell him, you never told anyone. you reached your hand into the black hat i borrowed from Atticus my felt around until you felt something cold and sharp. you pulled it out. your eyes filled with tears as you saw the yellow & black checkered studded bracelt, Ashen used to let you wear everyday. you put down your head trying to hide the fact you were crying. '' oh great i get the biggest whore here...he said jerking the bracelet from your hands. Atticus glared at him and yelled '' Dude shut the fuck up'' Ashen rolled his eyes and walked into the spare room. you slowly walked into the room, and pulled out a journal and a pen. you looked and saw his shape laying on the bed so you slumped down in the corner. you opened into a blanck page and began to write your suicide note. your tears fell on the page and smuged a few words. ''whatcha wrighting bitch a poem about how ugly you are'' he asked smugly. you floded you tear staind note and threw it at Ashen. before he could say any thing you were out side my house running down the street. after he just relized what happened he got up and walked out of the roomwith the note in hand. he looked round and when he didnt see you he looked down and remembered the note. he openede it and read it to him self it said ''Ashen, i still don't understand wht you left me i dont think i ever will, but i caint live without you, and neither can our baby, goodbye forever Ashen i love you. i asked him wht the hell was up but he completely ignored me and ran outside, it was the middle of december snow was on the ground and pouring from the sky, Ashen tried to call your cell but you just ignored it. he was running down the streets yelling your name. you were a couple blocks down in the park. you were sitting next to the frozen little pond you & Ashen shared so many memories there your first kiss, your first make out, where you lost your virginity to him (it was 2:00 am nobody was around) you reached into your pocket and pulled out a razor. you shut your eyes tight and pressed it onto your wrist and began to carve his initials tears were puring from your eyes and blood from your wrist as you lied down in the snow. you rersted your other hand on your stomache and wispered ''dont worry we'll be in heaven soon'' you looked up at the sky and cold white snow fell on your face. and began to cover you. blood turned the snow around you red. Ashen was still runnign around when he remembered you always went to the park when you were sad. He ran as fast as he could hoping he wouldnt be to late tears were falling from his eyes and the thought of you being dead was running through his mind. he ran into the park and saw you covered with snow and blood. ______!!! he yelled pulling you off the ground, he swepped the snow off of you your body was ice cold. he pulled off long sleve shirt and his jacket and wraped you in then inspite of you being covered in blood. he picked you up after feeling to see if you still had a heart beat. he wraped you tighly in his arms and began to run wispering to you _____please don't leave me i love you and our baby over and over. ofter runnin for about 20 minutes he reached the hospital. people were stairing at the shirtless emo boy carrying a bloody emo girl in the middle of a snow storm. he rushed in the hospital screaming ''please save her and our baby please!!!!!!'' the nurses brought out a stracher and Ashen gently layed you on it but he refused to let go of your hand thats when he noticed the shape of the cuts they were A B S his initals Ashen Blake Smith. the nurses pulled him away as they rushed you into the room. after about 2 hours of suregey Ashen had stoped crying he ran out of tears. thats when the nurse stepped out he walked up to her she looked at him as if he were crazy his eyliner was smuged he was shirtless and his hair was a wreack. she said im sorry sir we did all we could but, shes in a coma and we don't know if shell pull out of it. the tears came back into his eyes and he sked what about the baby. the nurse simply said teen's shouldnt be having sex let alone children, Ashen got mad and yelled at her Listen bitch, my girl and my baby's lifes are in danger i don't need a lecture from you!! she said it'll be fine if she wakes up withen 48 hours and walked off. Ashen walked into your room and burst into tears as he saw you hooked to so many machines. he walked up and pulled a chair to beside your bed. he was talking to you trying to wake you up but he realized it wasnt working so he looked at you stomach and said, ''i caint get to your mommy, idk if she can hear me but will you tell her i love her and i dont want you and her to leave me'' he layed his head down on your stomach it was 2 in the morining and he was singing sorry by buckcherry, you could hear in the darkness his strong voice was cracked as he was singing, im sorry im bad im sorry im blue im sorry about all the things i said to you and i just wanted to say im sorraahhh, he stoped he couldnt get the words out because he was crying again. you slowly opened your eyes to see you were in a hospital looked down to see Ashen's face was burried in your tummy and he was wispering please ______please wake up. i am awake Ashen. you said weakly. he quickly looked up at you and kissed you without even of corse kissed back because you missed him.when he pulled away he wraped you in his arms and said im so sorry babe please take me back, you of corse said yes and he told you he'd always take care of you and our baby. and thats exactly waht he did 8 months later you had your baby gril and name her Ashley Bailey Smith. a year later you and Ashen get married and your little girl is the flower girl & i was holding your one month old baby Ashen Jr. in the audience. you live together forever until you both die of old age in your sleep.

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Emo Sweet 16 Party [long & Deatiled] GIRLS & GAYS ONlY!!!9[not finished:(]
Alexander Your boyfriend
Alexander Your boyfriend
you had been dating the most wonderful boy youve ever met, Alexander, for about a year now. you were best friends with me and he was best friends with my twin brother so you were both invited to our totally awesome emolicious 16th birthday party. thats until my perv of a brother decided he wanted to get some for his present and had the ideh of an hour in heaven. of corse me & everyone else wanted to play (hehe) i being your best friend let you go first >=P (hehe) you reached your hand into my brother's black hat. you felt something kind of pointy and cold. you pull it out but before you can see what it is someone covers your eyes. they begin to slowly walk forward pushing you into the spare room. when he uncovered your eyes it was all dark the person pulled the object out of your hand and held it in his own. ''can i atleast see who i hafe to spend the next hour with'' you griped. the person laughed a deep sexy laugh and wispered in your ear ''well baby you dont seem to happy to see me'' you emediantly knew that you got your boyfriend ''ALEXANDER!!!'' you yelled wraping your arms around his neck. he laughed wraping his arms around your waist. he reached up and turned on the light. you looked deeply into his mysterious deep green eyes. blush creeped over your pale face. _______ baby he said. yea you replied. he got down on one knee and opened his hand to reveal a diamond heart shaped engagement ring. your jaw droped and tears welled up in your saphire colored eyes. ''_______ will you wake up next to me every single morning, fall asleep in my arms every single night and make me the luckyest & happiest guy alive and...marry me?'' you screamed out ''YES ALEXANDER I LOVE YOU!!!!'' he began to make out with you as he sliped the ring on your finger. this kiss was different more loving, passionate and seductive. you felt his tounge slide across your lips. you opened your mouth and his tounge plunged into your mouth. he unziped and pulled off his jacket along with his shirt. he tugged at the bottom of your shirt while still making out with you. you pulled away only to nod yes and then you continued making out with him. he slowly pulled your shirt over you head. he gazed at your flawless body. he wraped his arms around you and ran his hand up and down your spine. he began to slowly kiss your neck. he got close to your ear and wispered ''________ i want to make love to you'' you nodded excitedly. he smiled as he unhooked your bra and it fell to the floor. he staired at your bare chest and began to kiss down your body. he kissed and slowly ran his tounge over your boobs. you began to moan in pleasure. he began to gently bite your boobs as his hands slid down to your pants. he carefully unbottoned your skinny jeans. his hand went down into your hot pink hello kitty underwear and he began to massage your clit.''________ i love you & your virginness is mine'' he mumbled into your chest. you giggled as he pulled down your pants and panties. he kisses from your belly button down and he licked all over you. ''OH ALEX!!!!'' you began to scream his name as he licked your insides. he raised up and hovered over you. you didnt realize it but he was naked to. you felt his HUGE dick presses against your leg ready to enter you. you felt his warm breath againt your neck as he asked ''are you ready______'' you nodded and with tht he pushed into you. you screamed because it was your first time. he began to slowly thrust in you. as you moaned his name and made all kinds of noises he began to go faster and harder when blood spilt from your pussy you began to get a little scared, and asked ''Alex w-whats happening?!?!?'' he relied ''shh shhh its ok baby, i poped your cherry.....i took your virginity..ha i told you it was mine. you smiled relived nothing was wrong and he began to thrust into you again. even harder now. until you were screaming his name. you went at it for 2 hours (he told me what he was going to do so i set this whole thing up so you could stay longer=]) he collapsed next to you and pulled you close to him his strong artic white arms wraped around you. _______ babe i love you so much he wispered Alex i love you to. you fell asleep naked in his arms. the next morning you awoke to his smile and his dark green eyes. then i being such a good friend said you guys had to go cause your mom & dad called. he walked you home since you lived 2 blocks away. he kissed you goodbye and you walked into your house. you ignored your mom & dad and walked up to your room to freak out because you acctually got layed. you looked out your window to see Alex Dancing on your lawn. you just stood there and whatched him. Cars slowed as they drove bye to whaych the crazy dancing emo boy. after about 15 minutes you finally yelled ''ALEX YOU DORK!!!'' he was turned away from you and he froze his arms that were in the air droped to his side as he turned and looked up at your window a shocked exression on his face. he smiled that dorky little smile and you laughed he blew you a kiss and you blew one back then he walked down the sidewalk to his house. one month later you find out you were pregnant. you knew Alexander would be happy so you wernt afraid to tell him. he imediatly picked you up and swung you around in a romantic kiss & hug combo. then he quickly sat you down afraid he might have hurt the baby. he got down on his knees and looked at your stomach. He placed his white hand on your stomach. he softly rubbed your stomach and wispered to it, ''it's ok your mommy and daddy are here, and we love you and always will'' a few tears watered up in his eyes and a tear fell down his flawless face and one fell down yours as well. he looked up at you and a smile spread across his face he rose up to you with his hand still on your stomach. and placed his other hand on your face. he softly and slowly kissed you and placed his forehead against yours and wispered ''______ is thier anything you cant do, to make me happy'' blush creped across your face. you and Alex walked to your house with him holding your hand the whole time. your Dad glared at you two as you walked into your house and sat on the love seat with Alex. you squezzed Alex's hand as you told your parents you were engaged to Alexander and you were pregnant. they both began to yell at you they told you that you couldn't be around Alex anymore and you had to get an abortion. you were stunned that your parents acctually said that to you. you looked down at your stomache and began to cry. Alex looked at you and then looked at your dad. ''NOW YOU LISTEN THIS IS YOUR DAUGHTHER AND IF YOU LOVE HER HALF AS MUCH AS I DO THEN YOU WOULD SUPPORT ANY DECISON SHE MADE!!'' he yelled at your father. your father got up and grabed your wrist and began to pull you away. you looked at Alex and mouthed ''help me'' his eyes widened and he ran twards you. you jerked away from your dad and he punched you in the face and you fell to the floor. Alex tackled him and punched him knocking him out. your mom screamed and Alex cradeled you in his arms. blood flowed from your busted mouth. and Alex wied it away with his jacket sleve. ''_____ are you ok'' he asked helping you up. you nodded and walked up stairs to pack. Alex waited for you downstairs as soon as you were ready you two left, and never came back. you moved in with Alex and his family loved you like you were thier own. you and Alex sleep in the same bed since you were already pregnant. he never let you out of his sight and was even more protective over you. 6 months later you gave birth to a tiny pale boy early with his daddy's mysterious dark green eyes & black hair. 1 month after your baby was born you and Alexander got married and lived together forever& had 4 kids all together. AND ITS ALL THANKS TO ME FOR ARRANGING ALL THIS =]

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Emo Sweet 16 Party [long & Deatiled] GIRLS & GAYS ONlY!!!9[not finished:(]
Corey the vampire
Corey the vampire
you and me are bff's so your of course invited to mine and my twin brother's sweet sixteen party. our parents our gone and we decide to play an hour in heaven. all the boys put a item in the hat hoping to get lucky, Atticus[my bro] forces thee shy guy in the corner to put something in. the hat was passed around until it finally got to you, you reached in slowly and felt something cold. you pulled it out and stared at the lion half of the twilight lion/lamb necklace. your eyes widen a bit as corey the shy guy in the corner stood up rather quickly i might add from his spot in the corner.he looked up and a hurt expression was plasterd on his face when he saw how you looked at him. your heart sank into you chest because youve' liked him ever since you first saw him freshman year. his head lowered as the two of you walked into the spare room. you watched him slump in the corner you walked over and knelt down infront of him. Corey...ummm you murmered before you were cut off, by his lips crashing into yours. his skin was cold and soft but it still made you feel warm and safe. you wraped your arms aroubd hi as he pushed you softly onto the floor. he slightly pulled away his lips barely touching yours. ______ he said, softly his eyes closed, you don't know how long ive waited to find you again.he opened his eyes, theye were almost black. _______ ive got a dark secret, ive told you before but you died long ago. What are you talking about corey you asked. Im a Vampire ________ and long ago you were going to be enemy killed you. you stared at him for some reason you felt you knew everything he was talking about. i belive you. you said halve in a daze. he smiled and glistening white fangs shone in the darkness. he kissed you and you felt as if, a hole in your soul you never knew was there was filled, he stoped and looked at you, ''before, i turn you would you like to chave a child?'' he looked nervous, and a bit scared of how you would react. you pndered for a minute

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An Hour In The Shadows [emo heaven, LONG & DETAILED]
Sebastian [the new guy]
Sebastian [the new guy]
''A...key?'' You say as you hold up an old iron key. ''That's me,'' says a tall boy with the most amazing hazel eyes you have ever seen. He sweeps his hair out of his face and grins sheepishly at you. You walk side by side to the guest bedroom and I shut the door behind you. ''I haven't seen you here before...are...are you new?'' You ask trying to break the ice. He looks up and nods, ''yea I'm Sebastian. I just moved here about a week ago.'' You smile and hold out your hand. ''Well Sebastian, I'm ________.'' He chuckles a little and shakes your hand. ''So,'' you scoot a little closer, ''what is this for?'' You ask holding the key up. Sebastian set his hand on your leg, ''well that all depends.'' ''On what,'' you ask. He leans over, his cool breath against your ear, ''on you.'' His words send chills down your spine and you turn your head to meet his lips. You fall to the floor in a tangled mess as the key flys from your hands to clatter on the floor a few feet from you. YOu roll to be on top and straddle Sebastian's waist. You lean over him, unbottoning your shirt. Sebastian sits up and pulls off his shirt, then helps you with yours. He unclasps your bra and throws it to the side. You run your hands through his hair as he takes in the sight of you. You could feel his bulge between your legs making you bite your bottom lip. You know that everything is moving way too fast but you dont care, right now all you care about it is him. His touch, his smell, everything about him and you want him now. Sebastian kisses your collar bone then makes his way to your breast first one then the other sucking, biting, licking. You moan loudly and thank god that I have thick walls in my house.Feeling it's a little unfair for you to have all the fun, you run your hand between both your and Sebastian's legs and set your hand on his bulge. You start to rub him just to tease and in response Sebastian nips at one of your breasts. Holding you to his body Sebastian lays you on the floor and lowers himself on top of you. Again his lips begin to travel down your body until he reaches your jeans. He looks up questioning, to answer you lift your hips. Sebastian understands and begins to unzip your jeans. Slowly he pulls them down exposing your black lace thong. Once your jeans reatch your ankles he bends your knee and brings your leg to his mouth. He makes his way towards your center randomly leaving hickies on the inside of your thigh. You tug on his hair pulling him to your center, you begin to melt as he teasingly runs a finger over the lace-- ''Knock Knock! Time's up outta the room.'' I call from down the hall too lazy to walk to the door. You swear and sit up and Sebastian hands you your clothes. ''Would you like to go somewhere else to finish this,'' he asks. You almost scream yes and quickly dress, grabbing the key. Without a word you two leave and head to Sebastian's house which happens to be just a few blocks from yours. You date for about 3 years and one day you find out you've got a ''bun in the oven,'' within the month Sebastian proposes. BUt instead of a ring, he gets down on one knee and holds out the very same key fromt eh night at my party. ''This belongs to you,'' he says. ''What is it for?'' He smiles and kisses you, ''it's the key to my heart....''[This is my first quiz so tell me what you think, and if you want my next one to be lets say...''naughty?'' not sure if thats a good word for it, but you know what I mean haha then go and rate high!!!]

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" "
An Hour In The Shadows [emo heaven, LONG & DETAILED]
Geoffrey [your other best friend]
Geoffrey [your other best friend]
You pull the object out of the bowl and immediately know what it is. ''Geoffrey! Get up here you sexy beast,'' you laugh. The most adorable boy ever stands, ''right away my love!'' He runs at you and throws you over his shoulder running to the bedroom. He throws you on the bed, ''and now my dear to have my way with you until you beg for mercy!!!'' Your eyes widen knowing what that means, ''!'' you scream as Geoffrey attacks your sides tickling you like the evil one he is, to get even you start to tickle him back knowing all his weak spots. Out of breath and sore Geoffrey fellto your side. ''uhhg,'' you moan as you grasp your sides. ''You jerk,'' you say after a while and play punch him. Geoffrey turns to face you, and you turn on your side so that your face to face. ''________ can I be serious for a sec?'' You giggle, ''a second? That's not very long ya know.'' He smiles at you. ''_______, I love you.'' You giggle again, ''I love you too Geoff'' He shakes his head, ''no _________ I mean I love you...'' ''Ooh.'' Is all you can manage, you look down at the sheets thinking. ''Shit I shouldn't of told you that _______ I'm sorry. Look lets just forget I said anything ok? wonder everybody says falling in love with your friends screws everythi--'' You silence him by pressing you finger to his lips and whisper, ''then let's screw up together...''Geoffrey flashes his famous goofy grin and it doesnt surprise you to find it makes you weak in the knees. You thank god that your laying down you really dont need to fall after jus-- Your thoughts are interupted by the most caring kiss you have ever had. Instantly your eyes shut and you wrap your arms around Geoff's neck pulling him on top of you. He rests his hands on your waist, one slids up your shirt. You arch your back to help. Pulling back Geoff smirks down at you before you can ask what hes doing you feel your bra loosen. Then he smothers you with his lips once again, your hands find their way up his shirt. You've seen Geoffrey in just his boxers before...but...that was before. Now everything about his seemed new and different. Geoff senses what your thinking and takes off his shirt, then works on yours. With your bra already off it's no time at all before your topless self is being explored by his mouth. His tounge tracing every curve, his teeth scraping your sensitive skin. You shivered when his mouth closed around your breast and the sucking began. You maoned and it only intensified when you felt him hard against your thigh. A hand felt it's way down his back and under his jeans to give his perfect ass a quick squeeze. He tensed which only pressed his package harder against you. Giving into lust you took his virginity that night, and after that night you two were inseperable. You stay together all through out high school and the first years of college. On your 22nd birthday he asked you to marry him. You of course said yes, you have 2 little girls and one baby boy.[This is my first quiz so tell me what you think, and if you want my next one to be lets say...''naughty?'' not sure if thats a good word for it, but you know what I mean haha then go and rate high!!!]

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" "
Jason Archer - Best Friend
Jason Archer - Best Friend
You smile knowing you have no choise but to do it. You stick your hand in the hat and pull out the first item you touch. You pull out a pair of headphones. You laugh and throw them at Jason. ''Jassy Baby. I got you.'' You say smiling at him. He jumps up walks over to you picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. You laugh. ''Lets go doll face.'' He says walking out the door. He takes you to his car and sets you in the passanger seat. ''Shall we go to the castle?'' He asks smiling. You nod giggling. The Castle was the place you two would hang out whenever he had family troubles. It was nothing more then 3 rocks forming a cave like structure. But y'all named it Castle Cave Mountain. You hadn't been there since his parents got divorced 2 years ago. You were suprised he remembered about it. After an hour of driving you arrived. You climed up the rocks standing at the top. ''I'm the Queen of the castle'' you said looking down at him. ''No fair. You can climb better then me.'' Jason laughed pulling you down into his arms. Y'all crawled into the ''cave'' and watched the stars. Jason looked down then back up at you taking a deep breath. ''______ I need to tell you something.'' he said looking right at you. You turned to him and looked into his eyes. There was pain, and hurt. You wondered what had happened. ''What is it Jassy?'' you asked. ''ummm I think I might be gay but I don't know for sure..'' he said looking down. You lifted his chin up and smiled. When you were little you both promised each other that if either one of you thought they liked the same sex you would be the one to test it on. ''Do you think...we could umm...test it?'' he asked blushing. You smiled and nodded. He kissed you softly at first but after a few seconds he was kissing you harder pushing you on your back. You made-out long and hard. You felt him getting hard and knew he was either bi or straight. You bit his lip making him moan into your mouth. ''I'm pretty sure your not gay.'' you said giggling. He smiled and said ''doesn't mean we have to stop.'' he started kissing you harder kissing down to your neck leaving hickies all over. He bit down hard making you moan loudly. ''Oh god!'' you said. He smirked against your neck. You pulled his shirt off feeling up and down his 6-pack. You'e seen him naked before but this was different. You loved him. You just never let yourself admit it. He ripped your shirt open kissing down your chest. ''Jassy, I'm not ready.'' you said pushing him off. He grownd. ''Like I care.'' he pushed you down again ripping his belt off. He tied your hands together and tied his bandana around your mouth. ''For all these years you would ask me why I was your friend. Well here's your answer. So I could fuck the shit out of you one day.'' He grined taking off your bra. You felt tears run down your face. Your mind was racing. How could your best friend, the one person that knew everything about you be trying to rape you? You felt a stab of pain. You looked down and saw that he had shoved his dick deep inside you. You were a virgin and he knew it. You started crying harder trying to scream for help but the bandana was just too much. He slammed his dick deep inside you making you moan. ''Haha. See you'll like it soon enough. Stupid bitch.'' He started fucking you harder and harder. You hated it but your body loved it. You couldn't keep yourself from moaning. Everytime you moaned he went harder and faster. You were rapped for 3 hours straight. After he came he got up and left leaving you there naked, and tied up. You cried untill you passed out. You woke up in the hospital with someoneby your side. When you opened your eyes you saw your ex boyfriend Chris. ''______!!!! Oh my god. Your awake.'' he said crying as he hugged you. You flinched. You were terrified, you started crying. He wipped your tears away. ''Shh. It's okay baby. I wont hurt you. Jason's in jail. He can't hurt you anymore.'' you nodded but coudn't stop crying. A week later you were reales. Everyone had heard what happened, so gossip went around school. People said you wanted it and just wanted to get him in trouble. Others believed the truth. And some said nothing really happened. You began getting so depressed you started cutting yourself. Your heart was in pieces and all the rumors didn't help. A month later you started getting sick. When you went to the doctor he told you, you were pregnant. You cried for 3 weeks. Not sure of what to do. You didn't tell anyone. When you were 7 months pregnant you decided what you were gonna do. You were beginning to show, and still no one knew. You stabbed yourself in the stomach hopping to kill the baby instently. You fell to the floor in pain crying. Chris walked into your room to see you lying on the floor bleeding. He ruhed you to the hospital. There they found all your cuts and that you tried killing yourself and your unborn baby boy. ''SHE'S PREGNANT?!?'' Chris yelled when the doctor told him they had to save them both. They performed surgery to get the baby out and hopefully save him. Chris cried the entire time you were in surgery. When you woke up you were in the hospital room and you heard two different cries. You looked over to see Chris crying holding your son who was also crying. A tear slid down your cheek. ''He should be dead. I killed him! He should be dead!'' you cried harder reaching for him. Chris looked up at you with so much hurt in his eyes. ''No he shouldn't. He's not just your so. He has a father. '' ''No he doesn't. Jason is no father and will never be.'' You started crying harder trying to get a hold of your son. ''He's not Jason's son!!'' Chris yelled stepping away from you. Your jaw dropped along with your hand. ''W-w-what?'' you said staring at the baby. ''Don't you remember? The night before the party. We had sex. We were going to get back together. I forgot to wear a condom....I just didn't tell you. They did a DNA test. They said he looked like me. I wanted to know. He's my son. Not Jason's.'' You looked at the boy then at Chris and started crying. You couldn't believe you had almost killed a baby you wanted. Your heart was broken. You held your hands out to Chris asking to hold him but he didn't give him to you. ''I'm sorry _____. Your not allowed to hold him...actually your not allowed to be near him.'' Your arms dropped. ''But he's my son! My baby! Give me my baby!!!'' You screamed standing up. ''You tried killing him!! You stabbed yourself to kill him!! You didn't care about him! You said he doesn't have a father. But the parent he doen't have is a mother. Your a monster ____. You'll never see him. Ever.'' That was the last time you ever saw your son. You didn't even know his name. You were sent to a meantal hospital. They said you weren't stable and that you were a danger to others. Chris visit's you every now and then but never brings your son. He would never tell you his name though. You kept a notebook to write in. ''Today is my son's 7th birthday. I'm still not allowed to know his name. I hate it. If I had known he was Chris' I wouldn't have tried killing him. I miss him. I miss Chris. I wish I could meet him just once...'' Your thoughts were interupted by a small boyish voice coming from behind you. ''Mama?'' you turned around to see Chris and a young boy. You looked at Chris. ''_____ I want you to meet our son. His name is Shane Michael Henlys.'' you looked back down to Shane. ''You told him about me?'' Chris nodded. ''Daddy told me everything. About Jason about how you tried killing me.'' Your eyes started to water. You didn't want your own son to think of you as a murderer. ''Why did you try killing me mama? Why didn't you just wait till I was born?'' a tear slid down your cheek but he wipped it away. ''I thought you were Jason's. If I had known you weren't, I would have left you. But I thought you were. I couldn't bare the thought that one day you would ask about your dad and me have to tell you he was in jail. I'm so sorry Shane. I really am.'' you looked down as more tears slipped from your eyes. ''Don't cry mama, it's okay. I still love you.''

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" "
Andy Anderson - Popular Boy
Andy Anderson - Popular Boy
You grown loudly when I inform everyone of my game. You hated that I was making you do this but because it was my birthday you agree. As I passed you the hat you slowly reached into it looking for and object to pull out. You finally pick and pull out a tube of eye liner. You laugh thinking you picked a girl. ''Andy! Get your ass up and get a move on. Your wasting precious time.'' I yell. You watch as Andy the most popular guy in school stands up and walks over to you. ''Hi ______. It's nice to see you again'' you blush when he says that. You haven't seen him since the summer. You two hooked up after getting drunk. You haven't even talked but you knew you had feelings for him. You had them since that night. But no one knew about your feelings or that night. You stand up and you two leave the house together. ''So where do you want to go?'' he asks after a few minutes of awkward silence. ''Anywhere's fine with me.'' he nods his head and starts walking towards his house. When you arrive at his house you notice that no one is home. ''I hope you don't mind being here. I don't have my car and this was the closest place to Annie's house.'' you smile shaking your head. ''It's fine. It's not the first time I've been here.'' You smile looking at him wondering if he remembered the night you two spent together in his room. You two were so drung but everything was so special. He made love to you. He didn't fuck you. You felt sparks everytime you two were near each other since that night. You loved him, but you didn't dare tell anyone, not even me. He was known as a cheater and a heart breaker. Any girl that went out with him was branded as a slut or desperate. You didn't want that. You already delt with people as it was. You both sat on the sofa in awkward silence. ''So what do you want to do?'' he asked finally breaking the silence. ''We could watch a movie?'' He smiled and put in a random movie. A few minutes into the movie you recognized it. It was a movie with a hot (and I mean HOT) sex sence. Everytime you watched that movie you would become so horny and would have to ''take care'' of yourself. But this time you were with Andy. You thought that if you let him know you were turned on that he would laugh and call you pathetic, so you didn't tell him.The sex sence started. You watched in awe as the guy rammed his dick into his wife's vagina (I don't like the other word for it :p) You started to feel yourself get wet. You shivered. ''Are you cold?'' Andy asked looking at you. You were embaressed that he saw you shiver, and hopped he didn't notice how turned on you were. ''Just a little'' you replied as he laid a blanket over y'all. The sex sence wasn't very long but it felt like it went on forver. By the time it was half way through you were so horny it was almost unbearable. You looked at Andy. At his body. You loved everything about him. You wanted him, you needed him. But you still didn't dare let him know. After deciding not to tell him you were turned on you went back to watching the movie. You started to day dream about being in bed with Andy. But before your day dream got good you felt something slip into your shorts and underwear. You looked down biting your lip as you saw Andy's hand in your pants. He looked at you and smirked. ''Well I think someones a little wet down there don't ya think?'' he asked licking his lips. You blushed embaressed that he found out but decided it was fine. You pulled his hand out and stardled him. ''I bet you like it.'' you said in a seductive voice. He bit his lip nodding his head. You felt his dick through his jeans. You knew he was hard, and you knew just how to tease him. You rubbed your thumb across is lips and smirked. ''I'll be right back.'' You smiled got up and walked into his room. You knew were he kept his sex stuff. The stuff he used on his girlfriends. You grabbed the box and went into the bathroom. You washed off all the vibrators and walked down stairs hidding the box. You took out the handcuffs and handcuffed his hands to the chair. ''Oh so your going to take advantage of me I see.'' he smiled watching you strip. ''No. I'm going to tease you.'' you smirked. You slowly pulled down your shorts revealing your black thong. You took your shirt off leaving only your shoes, bra and underwear on. You pushed everything off the coffee table and sat on it pulling out a vibrator. You saw Andy bite his lip as you rubbed the vibrator against your vagina. You started moaning softly turned the virbrator on to it's lowest setting. You wanted to make him beg to fuck you. You slowly pulled your thong off opening your legs in his direction reaveling you freshly shaven vagina. You rub the vibrator against your vagina pressing against your clit. You hold it there turning the speed up to medium level. ''mmmmm'' you moan biting your lip. You feel yourself getting wetter. You turn the speed all the way up shoving it deep into your vagina. ''Oh fuck!!!'' you scream as you start fucking yourself with it. ''Oh god. Mmmmmm'' You moan watching Andy. You can see him getting harder as he bites his lip watching you intenslty. You flip onto your knee's sticking your ass in the air. You fuck yourself harder and faster with the vibrator. ''Oh god yes. Mmmmm. So good.'' You moan loudly. You feel your body shiver as you cum. ''Oh goooooood'' you moan. You pull the vibrator out and hold it in front of Andy's face. ''Want to lick it clean?'' you ask smirking. He nods. ''Beg for it.'' You smile pulling it away. ''_______ please, please let me lick it.'' you smile and let him. You hold it close to his face. ''Mmmm you taste so good ______.'' You smile you go into his box and pull out a rubber dick. You stick it to the table and stradle it slowly slidding down on it. You moan loudly as it goes all the way in. You bounce hard on it moaning louder and louder every time. You look at Andy then at his dick. You can tell his pants are too tight for how hard he is. You stand up and walk over to him and undoe his pants pulling them off along with his boxers. You hear him sigh in relief. You smile and lick up the shaft of his dick. He moans softly biting his lip. You flick your tongue over the head teasing him more. ''Fuck ______. Please just suck it.'' You loo up at him still flicking your tongue over it. ''What was that I couldn't hear you.'' You smirked. ''Fucking shove my dick in your mouth and suck it. You smiled and listened. You shoved his dick (10in. btw) as far as it would go in your mouth. You gave him the best blow job he ever had. ''Oh fuck yes!!! Oh god. Fuckkkkk. So good.'' He moaned. A few minutes later you heard his breathing getting heavier. ''Oh god. I'm gonna cum. Oh fuckk yes'' his body tensed and he came in your mouth. You gladly swallowed. You licked your lips smiling. ''Yummy'' you said licking the cum off his dick. ''Fuck. Uncuff me ____. Please uncuff me.'' You uncuffed him and the second his hands were free they were on you. He pushed you on to the floor making out with you harder then ever. You felt yourself getting wetter then you already were. He licked your lip begging for entrence but you denied him. Frustruated he shoved two fingers deep into your vagina making you moan. He took advantage and slid his tongue in. He started fingering you hard and deep. ''oh god!'' you moaned tilting your head back. He kissed and bit his way down to your boobs sucking and biting each one. He slid a third finger into you making you scream out in pleassure ''Fuck yes!!!'' He pushed his fingers in deeper as he kissed down to your vagina. He pulled his fingers out and right as you were about to protest he began eating you out. He rubbed your clit with his thumb while shoving his tongue deep within your vagina. ''Oh fuck yes!!!'' you screamed. You moaned loudly as you came in his mouth. He cleaned you up and started making out with you. ''Andy shove your dick inside me. Fuck me like there's no tomorrow'' you begged. He smiled and rammed his dick deep inside you. You screamed out in pleassure and in pain. You loved it. He went as fast as he could and harder every time. ''Oh God!! Oh god yess!!! shiit. Fuck me harder!! fuck the shit out of me!!'' you screamed he listened. He then bit down on your neck making you scream louder. ''Scream my name.'' he demanded as he hammered you harder then ever. ''Oh god yess andy!!! Oh Andy!!!! Fuck me harder Andy'' you screamed. This lasted for another hour or so. ''Oh goddddd!!!! fuck yes!!!! oh andy oh andy'' you screamed as you had your third orgasim. ''Ohhhh _______'' he yelled as he came. He collasped on top of you breathing heavily.'''' he said in between breaths. You smiled and nodded curling up close to him and falling asleep. The next morning you got up and went to school. You and him acted as if nothing had happened. No one questioned it. After 4 weeks went by you started feeling sick. You started cramping and craving food. You were throwing up almost every day. You went to the hospital to find out what was wrong thinking you were gonna get bad news you didn't. ''Well ______, it looks like it's good news.'' the doctor said. ''Good? How can me throwing up every two seconds be good news?'' you stared at her in disbalief. ''Well it's good news when it's because your pregnant.'' Your jaw dropped. Your mind started racing. ''Why? Why did I have to get pregnant?'' You thought. You were terrified. On your way home the only thing you thought about was how to tell Andy. ''What will he say?'' you say out loud. ''What will who say?'' you turned around to see Andy. ''N-n-nothing.'' you said. You turned around and ran off crying. You didn't go to school for 3 months. By the time you went back you were showing. As you walked down the halls you could feel all the stares and hear all the gossip. All of a suddon there was a loud bang. When you looked up you saw Andy staring at you, jaw open and books on the floor. You looked back at him scared to see when he would say. ''______?'' he asked quietly walking up to you. His friends and all the people around you watched as he got closer. ''_____, what...what is this?'' he asked in a whisper. ''What do you mean? This is school. What else?'' you said looking at the floor. ''No. I mean what's that?'' he said pointing at your stomach. You felt a tear roll down your cheek as you looked back up at him. ''That, that's our baby girl.'' you said as the tears started flowing. His eyes widened. ''Our what?'' he said in dissbalief. You growned. ''It's our child! Our daughter! The life we created.'' You said crying. You expected him to laugh and walk away but the next thing you know, his arms are around you and he's crying too. You hear people murmering but you didn't care. ''Why? Why didn't you tell me sooner?'' he asked looking at you with hurt in his eyes. ''I was so scared that you would walk out of her life. I didn't want that.'' you said looking away. He placed a finger under your chin and turned you to face him. ''Why would I walk away? Your the most beautiful girl in the world. I love you _____. I always have. I've been waiting to tell you but you haven't been here. I'll always love and be there for you and our daughter.'' You smiled as tears of joy stared rolling down your face. He then kissed you with more passion than you thought anyone could have.5 months later:-: You woke up in the most unimaginable pain ever. You knew what is was. It was Kylie. Telling you it was time. ''Andy. Andy wake up. We have to go. It's time.'' you said shaking him. He jumped up and grabbed all the bags and rushed you to the hospital. 3 hours after you arrived there laid a beautiful baby girl in your arms. ''Welcome to the world sweet heart.'' You said quietly. ''So what is her name?'' The doctor asked looking at you and Andy. ''Her name is Kylie Michelle Anderson'' Andy said kissing her on her forehead.FUTURE:-: You and Andy got married when Kylie was 3 months old. You had two other kids. Both boys Chase Michael Anderson and Shai Alexander Anderson. You and Andy died in each others arms when you were 98 years old.

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Bratz, Crunk, Death Note, Eminem, Jesse McCartney, NHL, Rock music, Texting, United States, backstreet boys, crackers, horror films, pacsun, piano, pisces, popcorn, reading, school, shopping, skittles, snow, swimming, tennis, writing
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Banna Jurassicc
♔ B KittyM l quote side tat"Frozen"-tgm-Maci(Lash)~SpringA| Model Mina Tattoo
♛ Fay♛ Island tanP| Thugette Belly Tat-tgm-Cilic II*F* Body Tattoo FULL .
IV. Just Slingin'Marble 2.0! Skin. Aika Extr.C$ | TATTO / ARMS-tgm-Toxic Mint I
-tgm-Req~vialovP| Flutterby v2♛ Encore tanspacerspacer

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