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MY BRO DAVID! Hes the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for. Hes funny, awsome,kickass and awsome X3. I might have my down times now and then but your always there to help me and chear me up, and I would do the same for you bro. ROCK ON DAVID!!!!!!!

OMG PRISSY! X3. Funny sweet and always happy XD. Shes a kickass Developer but thats not what makes her great to me. She cares for everyone she knows and is just the best X3. She earns a place in my heart to. LOVE YOU PRISSY X3!!!!!

Kiki!!! Omg, she is sooo awsome!She's always in a good mood and is there when you need someone to talk to. Random, Nerdish(WHO CARES!), Funny and much much more. She's my sister too! If you touch or hurt her...Watchout...The nighmare is coming >_> Love you Kiki! Keep on rocking <3

Dun Dun Duhhh. Its Jessie! Wow, what can I say? He random, wierd, ...odd, funny and caring! He an epic friend and I'm glad I know him. Hes taken...Get over it/
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Umur: 29
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"IMVU, this isnt facebook"

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